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Master the Law of Attraction In 5 Days (Here’s How)

Have you ever thought about getting a new car and then started seeing that type of car everywhere you go? Perhaps you have found yourself thinking a lot about a friend only to run into them later in the grocery store.

There is a saying you may be familiar with that goes, where your attention goes, energy flows. It means that what you focus your attention on is manifested into your experience.

This universal law is called the law of attraction. The law of attraction is always at work, whether you know it or not.

It isn’t something that gets activated once you learn about it, it is a law that has been bringing you things, people and situations that match your energy from your very first day of life. And you can master the Law of Attraction in just one week.

Want to know the science behind the Law of Attraction? This life coach explains it in How to Use the Law of Attraction to Manifest Your Dreams (From a Life Coach)


Get the Universe on Your Side: 5 Days to Master The Law of Attraction

So the question is, are you ready to start using it to your advantage? If your answer is yes, then you’ve come to the right place!

Keep reading to find a 5-day guide to getting the universe on your side and mastering the law of attraction.

Day 1: Pay Attention to How You Feel

On this very first day of putting the law of attraction to work, take note of how you are feeling, and do it all day long.

Why? Because the way we feel matters the most when it comes to attracting things into our human experience, more than anything else. When we feel good and our vibes are up, we are much more positive, friendly and optimistic.

Therefore, the Universe matches our energy and delivers more of the stuff we want in our lives: nice people, cool things and good experiences.

But when we feel crappy, we are more likely to complain, be reactive to others or feel annoyed and frustrated with our daily experiences.

Your feelings are like a law of attraction barometer.

This, of course, draws more things to us that we just don’t want: traffic jams, whining kids, burnt dinners and annoying co-workers. Your feelings are like a law of attraction barometer.

Check in with how you feel and you will know exactly where you stand with the Universe. Bad feelings attract bad stuff, good feelings attract good stuff.

It’s as simple (and complicated!) as that. Before you take any other steps towards getting the Universe on our side and mastering the Law of Attraction, you absolutely MUST learn to pay attention to the way you feel.

13 Ways to Tell If You Are Emotionally Healthy (And How to Get There If You Answered No)

Day 2: Check In With Your Mindset

You wake up grumpy, tired and annoyed at the responsibilities that lie ahead of you, burn your breakfast and spill your coffee, get into a fight with your partner or your kids (or both!) on the way out the door, only to find yourself stuck in traffic and late for an important meeting?

Does this scenario sound familiar? That’s the law of attraction at work!

The vibe you have at any given moment attracts what comes next. Something as small as waking up grumpy can end up attracting a pretty shitty day! So what can you do to make sure you start with a high vibe and some good energy? Smile, for starters.

As soon as you open your eyes, smile big, take a deep breath, and immediately think of something pleasant.

This bed is so comfortable. The sun filling up my room is beautiful. The sound of the birds is relaxing.

Try to avoid the complaints that seem to come so naturally.

I’m exhausted, I can’t believe I have to get out of bed.

And if you DO catch yourself starting off with those all too familiar complaints (trust me, it will happen,) just switch directions. What feels GOOD? Focus on that, instead.

My muscles feel relaxed. My body feels strong. I am ready for a new day!

Make the effort to start your day off with some good energy, and watch how your vibe attracts some pretty sweet stuff for the rest of your day.


Day 3: Do Three Things That Make You Feel Good

If it’s all about how you feel, then let’s make sure to do some things that make you feel groovy today!

Forgetting your daily responsibilities and going back to bed may not be realistic, but how about getting a cup of joe at your fave coffee shop, going for a walk, or calling a good friend?

The law of attraction is always at work, whether you know it or not.

Maybe all it takes to feel good is putting on some upbeat tunes and having a dance party in your living room. When you’re working on your mindset, especially in the beginning, starting small is key.

Pick three small, easy to accomplish things that will make your spirit soar. As you continue to layer on the tools, day by day, you are taking big steps toward mastering the Law of Attraction.

Day 4: Practice Gratitude

According to spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle, gratitude is the foundation for all abundance. If we want to use the law of attraction to draw more of something into our lives, such as love or money, then we need to be grateful for the love and money we see all around us.

You may not have as much of it as you want, or in the form that you would like to have it, but if you take a good look around you will see where it is already present in your life, and that’s where you want to focus your energy.

Gratitude is the foundation for all abundance.

If it’s love you desire, be grateful for the love you share with your child, your mother, your dog. Be grateful for the love you witness between strangers.

If it’s money you need more of, start practicing gratitude for the money you do have in your bank account, however large or small it may be. Be grateful for the money you have to pay for your rent, your car, your food.

Abundance abounds, and when you allow yourself to be grateful for it, you’re letting the Universe know that you’re now a match for some of that sweet stuff! Develop an attitude of gratitude and watch the good come flowing in.

Day 5: Start Using Affirmations

Positive affirmations, or mantras, are one of my favorite law of attraction tools. Our words are powerful. They have a huge impact on our overall mood and vibe, which you now know is what attracts things to you, so let’s choose those words carefully, shall we?

Begin placing positive affirmations all around your house: use dry erase markers on mirrors, place notecards on your night stand, set reminders on your phone.

Put some optimistic messages out there that you can repeat to yourself daily to get into the habit of speaking in a positive manner.

Want to Harness the Power of Affirmations for a Healthy Mindset? Try Mantra Mindset!

Join inspirational powerhouse Youmie Jean Francois in her one-of-a-kind online program, Mantra Mindset, on YA Classes by YouAligned! In this 5-class series, Youmie will guide you through powerful mantras to boost your self-assurance and empower your mindset.

Mindfulness Program
With Youmie Jean Francois

You can begin with affirmations like today will be a great day, or I am good enough. You can use affirmations that are specific to what you want, such as my bank account grows bigger and bigger, or the love of my life is on the way.

Just be careful you aren’t repeating phrases that you don’t believe to be true. When that happens, you’re sending mixed messages to the Universe that can be confusing and put you at a standstill with manifesting your desires.

Try to be as general as possible. If you say to yourself, “I have a million dollars” and then immediately think yeah right … then that’s not the affirmation for you. It’s easiest to get behind general affirmations such as money is constantly making its way to me.

Repeat These 5 Positive Affirmations to Cope With Life’s Challenges

An Abundance Mindset Is the Key to Understanding and Mastering the Law of Attraction

Small changes each day will help to shift your mood, your energy and your mindset towards one of positivity and abundance.

By putting these practices into place you are well on your way to mastering the law of attraction works, and getting the Universe on your side. Happy manifesting!

7 Law of Attraction Hacks That Will Change Your Life Forever

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Pamela Nixon

Pamela Nixon is a mother, writer and yoga teacher living with her crystal loving, essential oil using family in NJ. She loves sharing yoga with people of all ages, especially children, and enjoys running a children’s yoga teacher training through her business, Peace Play.

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