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There Is Beauty in the Silence

Our society no doubt has an attention deficit as a whole. The constant ding of our iPhones, computers, watches and fitness trackers make for a ping pong match of communication.
Our phones have almost become appendages.
I was watching a commercial the other day and the host took away five people’s phones and through them into some sort of machine that destroyed them. One girl looked at the camera and said, “My chest hurts.”
For a moment I got judgmental and even screeched aloud, but the truth of the matter is that when I’m not being intentional about my time in front of a screen, I’m a technology feigning shit show.
That being said, my yoga and meditation practice have become two of the most grounding forces in my daily life. After spending more time on the mat and on the cushion, I made some changes. I deleted my Facebook account. I turned off my notifications, and my husband and I made a pact: no phones in the bedroom.
Take a moment this week to get clear on your usage of technology. How much do you rely on it? Does your chest hurt when you are not connected? How much time do you spend doing things that don’t require technology (writing, painting, hiking, meandering..)?
Give yourself time to revel in the beauty of silence.
Disconnect to reconnect.

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Mary Beth LaRue

Mary Beth LaRue is a yoga teacher, writer, and lover of avocados, homemade chai tea, and hip hop. She truly believes in the power of connection - vulnerable, raw and real - and believes our most powerful and potent practice happens off of our yoga mat.

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